Important information regarding lessons. When joining the club, you will be asked to agree to these and other terms so please take time to read these points as it will save us all a lot of grief later on!
Regular Riding Ages, weight limit and duties
Our non-member/annual member minimum age is 5. Our Life member/Debenture holder minimum riding age is 4.
Lesson of 5 years old child will be 20-minute riding and 10-minute stable management.
Full lesson price will be charged if your child demands to dismount early or will not mount on the pony.
Our maximum weight limit is 70kg.
While the instructor may also inspect the riding equipment from time to time, the rider agrees that they will be ultimately responsible for checking the equipment, including the saddle, and if there are any problems, or the saddle becomes loose, they will tell the instructor immediately.
The rider agrees to follow the instructor’s instructions at all times.
The rider agrees that as a condition of riding they must wear approved protective helmet and suitable footwear as directed by the CEEC rules.
The rider agrees that they will be responsible for any injuries to horses, damages to the premises, property owned by others, injuries to any riders or pedestrians, which they may cause by negligent, reckless or irresponsible conduct.
Group sizes and packages
Group lessons run for one hour if there are three or more riders in the group. If there are only two riders, the lesson becomes a forty-five-minute lesson and if only one rider, the lesson will run for thirty minutes.
We offer a discounted package of ten lessons which must be used in a three-month period for Annual, Life and Livery Members, this is extended to a one-year period for Debenture holders. Alternatively, lessons may be paid for on a pay as you go basis.
If packages have not been paid for on the date of the first lesson, single lesson price will be charged until the package has been paid for in full.
The package, once purchased, is NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-TRANSFERABLE.
The rider must come to the office before each lesson so they can be marked down as attending.
In the event of an accident or serious illness, meaning that the rider is unable to ride for a period over twenty-one days, we will suspend the package for up to three months. The rider will need to provide a doctor’s certificate. THIS DOES NOT APPLY FOR ONE OFF SICKNESSES.
The rider must arrive between ten and fifteen minutes before the start of their lesson. If they are more than five minutes late for private thirty minutes, or ten minutes late for group sixty minutes lesson, they may not ride, and the full lesson price will be charged. This is regardless of the reason.
Riders must attend their lessons regularly to hold their spots.
Cancellations made less than 48 hours prior to the lesson date/time will be charged in full whatever the circumstances. Please do not bring replacement riders – we will not be able to accommodate them.
Lessons are definitely cancelled during a BLACK rainstorm warning and a TYPHOON # 8 or above. All riders and lessons will be stopped sixty minutes prior to the Number 8 signal being raised. In all other conditions, lessons will run, and no shows will be charged for. Please follow CEEC on Facebook- the most up to date information regarding typhoons and rainstorms will be posted on Here.
In the event that we deem it unsafe to ride, all classes will be a stable management lesson. If you select not to take this option, you will still be charged full lesson price.
Safety & Supervision
Parents/ Riders must sign the indemnity form before having lesson and entering the yard. Please find the form in this pdf.
All regular riders must own their own riding hat for safety reasons. This must have the correct approval standard code in accordance to the British Horse Society (BHS).
All riders 16 years and under MUST wear a back protector when jumping at the CEEC. We strongly recommend their use for all riders – this may help prevent long term back damage caused by falls. The current standards are 2018 BETA Level 3 or above.
Horses are unpredictable animals – when alarmed, their natural instinct is to flee. When stabled, horses may bite or kick as they are unable to flee. Parents must ensure that an adult is with their child at all times when at the stable.
For riders twelve or under, an adult should be in attendance during all riding lessons with the exception of camp.
Please do not feed the horses in the stables. If you wish to offer treats after a lesson, please ask permission from an instructor or staff member.
Children who are visiting must be accompanied by an adult at all times, please do not ask a staff member to look after your child.
All children must wear hats when on the yard and in the stables. No jewellery should be worn whilst riding or handling horses.

Life Members and Debenture holders may book lessons for guests and pay guest price.
Guests of Annual and Livery members will be charged at non-member rate. Guests can book regular lessons by joining CEEC membership.
Minimum riding age is 5.
The Life member or Debenture holder must be on site when the guest rides. If not, non-member rate will be charged.
A maximum of twenty-four guest lessons per annum.
Medical, Alcohol and Drugs
Blood alcohol level should be zero to ride. The instructors will not permit you to ride if they feel that you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Please let your instructor know if you are on any medication that may cause drowsiness – you must not ride if you are.
The CEEC will only permit pregnant ladies to ride up to 20 weeks and they must have written permission from a doctor. We take absolutely no responsibility in the event of an accident – we DO NOT recommend riding when pregnant.
In the event of an accident, the attending adult will be required to make decisions on behalf of the parents of the child. Please ensure that whoever brings your child is aware of your preferences in the event of an emergency. It will be their responsibility to contact the parents.
Bounced cheques will receive an automatic administration fee. Please ensure that your cheques are correctly written and that there are sufficient funds in your account.
All invoices are due on the date shown on the invoices. Late payment charges will be applied to all invoices that are overdue.
Clients/Visitors dogs must be kept on a lead at all times.
Clients/Visitors dogs may accompany the person watching the lesson providing they are quiet and do not disturb lessons/rides. The dogs MUST NOT go further than the indoor school, in to the pony yard or any paddocks. Any injury caused by the action of your dog- be it equine, human or property will be the responsibility of the dog’s owner.
Please be aware that there are several stable dogs – we will not be held responsible for any injury caused in the event of a fight.
Photos and Videos
CEEC Instructors may occasionally use their phones to take videos and/or photos. This is a great visual aid for the rider to learn from and these photos/videos will only be used for educational purposes. Riders will agree with this purpose by signing the indemnity form.
The yard is closed from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm to allow our horses and ponies some down-time.
It is advised that all visitors should wear a riding hat and proper closed-toed shoes when in the yard.
The CEEC reserves the right to expel any member and their family if any of these rules are not adhered to.
CEEC rules and regulations are subject to amendments.
All minors must have a parent or guardian sign this form for them.